Sunday, May 17, 2009

Who coined the term "Rajmandir"...The mystery deciphered

Well, I am sure that everyone who belongs to 2nd generation of Rajmandir knows the story behind the origin of the term "Rajmandir" but I am dead certain that there are few in the third generation who don't know about it and of course, 4th generation has no clue whatsoever...
The incident belongs to the era of late 70's (The era when Rajesh Khanna's charm was fading away, and a new phenomenon named "Mr. Bacchan" was rising on the horizon). The protagonist of this story went on a business trip to Jaipur with couple of his buddies. After a stressful day of work, they decided to unwind by visiting a nearby theatre (As there were no beer bar those days, Theatre was the only option....Just kidding) The protagonist liked the movie and fell in love with the architectural beauty of the theatre. The name of the theatre was ........................................."Rajmandir" (No prizes for guessing here). If you have not guessed the name of the protagonist so far, he is none other than Badepapa for all the kids i.e. Ashokji Shah. After that, all the businesses, residence (even email addresses) contained the word Rajmandir.

Disclaimer: The story is as told to the author by "Shir Bhogilalji Shah". All the characters are real and any resemblance to fictional / alien /dead person is pure coincidence. Taking this story lightly can cause serious injury to your health. Please do not try this at home LoL :-)

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